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Special Kids’ Elocution Lessons – Comprehension Difficulties

Another Release - Special Kids' Elocution Lessons  - Comprehension Difficulties Tackled!

Our newly designed Specialised Elocution Lessons for Children with Comprehension Difficulties is based on research findings and targets weaknesses in kids' understanding.

Our specialised kids' elocution course helps to strengthen word decoding, text processing, understanding story structure as well as developing elocution skills in communication.

Find out more by visiting our page: Special Elocution Lessons for Children with Comprehension Difficulties

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The Grunt

The adolescent grunt is an amazing utterance.

Interestingly, it appears to be culturally and linguistically universal. Moreover, it is particularly prevalent in young adolescent men learning English. Often, it is accompanied by lack of facial gesture or expression, which makes it even more difficult for the receiver to understand what is trying to said.

For such a significant and universal utterance which occurs at a set age and does not seem to be gender specific, you may wonder why this linguistic landmark does not feature in the stages of language development. Let’s see, we start with crying at birth, cooing at 6 weeks, babbling at six months, intonation patterns at eight months, one-word utterances at one year, two-word utterances at 18 months, word inflections at 24 months, question and negatives at 27 months, rare and complex constructions at five years, mature speech at 10 years, and . . .
the single sounded grunt at 13 years.

Not only does the grunt cause difficulties for the listener, but it can have a negative effect on the communication skills of the speaker.

Learn English students taking English exams, including GCSE English and IGCSE English, are required to demonstrate their ability to speak English clearly and to communicate with confidence. Further, learn English students are asked to perform in front of a group and to discuss a topic.

Many learn English students suffering from the grunt syndrome are referred to us from their anguished parents who can no longer communicate with their sons or daughters. These special learn English students follow our LAMDA training programme in speaking, communication and performance skills. They receive intensive elocution lessons and are taught how to express themselves using clear English pronunciation. Also, they are taught the importance of eye contact and making a positive presence. Many of our learn English students following our LAMDA programme continue into acting or TV presentation training.

So, if you are living with the grunt, then do not despair.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

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It’s coming . . . feel the fear!

It's nearly here . . .

Sweat surges to students' brows.

Adrenalin rushes through the ravines of parents’ arteries.

Children cower in cold corners.

Yes, you've got it! It's the start of the new academic year!

But does it always have to be this way?

No, of course not.

We know that it starts with the opening of exam results in early August which divides parents and pupils into two distinct groups - 'Delight' and 'Despair'.

Now, if you're a Delight parent with Delight pupils, then you have nothing to despair as you clutch a handful of good examination results - upwards to the next educational level and the challenges it may bring.

But, if you're a Despair parent with Despair pupils, then you are justified in your despair and nobody should deprive you of that feeling.

Students! We wouldn't forget you . . .

It's simple for students . . . The groups are 'Success' and 'Failure'.

If you're a Success student with successful results - Well done!

If you're a Failure student, then join those in Despair and take heart - all is not lost.

As you know, pupils and students learn at different rates. Pupils and students have individual learner characteristics, and apply their own learner strategies in acquiring knowledge. A late learner or slow developer does not mean failure or despair. Many late learners and slow developers appear to quickly outshine their successful peers. But how?

They have a guardian educational angel called a 'Personal Tutor'. That tricky mathematical problem or those thorny poetic techniques no longer seem to be a challenge when you're given the right tools!

So Failure students, Despair parents and Despair pupils, don't you think it's time to swap those weighty pitch forks and shovels for a personal tutor? Do it now . . .

whilst you still have time!

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Year 6 Parent?

If you're a Year 6 parent, you may be showing some classic signs and symptoms of anxiety and stress at this time of year.

The problem?

"Selection." We've said the taboo word.

Entrance examination and selection - the process which separates the wheat from the chaff.

11+, educationally, is a highly charged time. Emotionally, you, too, are highly charged.

You don't need us to tell you that a good education paves the path to success, do you? Neither do you need us to tell you that the best gift you can give your child is education, do you?

But . . .

If you are clutching your son or daughter's school report from which glares poor grades and levels, particularly in English then, despite popular belief, you do need us.

Each year, the 11+ entrance examination get tougher and tougher. Limited places for quality education in prestigious schools has created a challenge - only the brightest wins.

For those Year 6 parents who are unfamiliar with the 11+ entrance examination and selection ordeal, but who are seriously considering entering their child as a worthy competitor, let us tell you about the process.

11+ entrance examination and selection occurs every year in January - it is an ominous and onerous occasion which follows the joyous festive period of peace and goodwill to men. The entrance examination and selection process varies and may consist of several parts: an on-line test which examines your child's potential cognitive skills in English and Maths, hence the need to learn English well. A creative writing test, again, placing importance on the need to learn English. If successful, then it's the next round - the 'Interview'.

"Is that it?" we hear you say.

No. The 'Interview' prior to the examination.

At interview, your child will be assessed on speaking and presentation - Yes, the need to learn English, again - see how important learning English is as a subject. If successful at interview, then it may be the examination.

The examination. A wide range of trying, tricky and taxing tests: Verbal reasoning, Non-Verbal reasoning, Mathematics and English. If successful, your child may receive an offer. If not, then you may appeal.

And which paper may be used for appeals?

Correct. The English Paper!

The 11+ entrance examination and selection process appears to favour those children with good English skills - English spelling and English grammar are the most important.

And, if unsuccessful at 11+ . . .

Try again - at 13+.

Good luck!

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Summer Time – A time for quintessential elocution kids!

Yes, we know that most of England has been awash with driving rain, scurrying snow and howling wind.

And, we know that the hazy, lazy, hot days of loafing beneath a cascading canopy of fragrant perfumed trees, and breathing the scent of sweet smelling roses whilst to the pulsating purr of bumble bees, all seems like a distant, long forgotten memory.

But, fear not!

Deep in the depths of London’s Brockwell Park, behind a red brick ‘Old English’ walled garden, hiding heady herbaceous flowers, tumbling tendrils of stretched and reaching clematis, and air filled with the sound of soft singing birdsong, summer smiles.

“Well, what’s all this to do with English elocution for kids?”, we hear you say.

Simply – A lot!

Parents, make a ‘MEGA’ note in your diaries as follows:

Saturday 27 July to Sunday 11 August 2013

'Alice in the Walled Garden' - A promenade production of Lewis Carroll's stories

“Alice in the Walled Garden?”, we hear you shout.

“So, what’s ‘Alice in the Walled Garden’ with a smiling Cheshire cat, a hookah smoking caterpillar – that’s bad for your health, you know! - and a Mad Hatter, who’s raving bonkers, to do with elocution for kids?”

Simply – Everything!

Often, we stress the importance of developing listening skills in your child to improve how your child speaks. Research has shown that there is a link between the sounds which your child hears and the sounds which your child produces. Let’s give you an example. ‘I wanna play with ‘im’ - Don’t misunderstand us, there is nothing wrong with the use of colloquial English. However, if your child only hears informal English sounds, then the sounds he or she produces will be informal English sounds, researchers suggest.

“So, what’s ‘Alice in the Walled Garden’ to do with developing listening skills in kids?”, you say.


By listening to actors, who have been trained to exceptionally high levels of English elocution, may help in developing listening and sub-listening skills in your child. The development of these important listening skills may help your child to distinguish important English sounds. So, should your child hear ‘I wanna play with ‘im’, the knowledge that your child will have attained by listening to expert English elocution may help your child to correct and produce “I want to play with him”.

See. So, we’re not as mad as a hatter after all!

And what no better way of helping your child to develop these important English elocution skills - by watching Alice’s enchanting world come to life before their very eyes in a magical Old English walled garden – how quintessentially English!

Oh, don’t forget to book your tickets!

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Kids Learn English Elocution Better with LAMDA Classes

Help your child to learn Elocution with LAMDA Classes

The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, or LAMDA as it is often referred to, is one of the oldest drama schools in the UK. It has established a reputation as a centre of excellence, prestige and distinction and it has trained some of the world’s most highly acclaimed actors and stage technicians. The LAMDA qualifications, the UK’S largest statutory speech and drama awarding body, are an extension of that very distinction.

The tuition we provide through our Little Voices Academy programmes offer a range of benefits which support the creative, intellectual and social development of your child, especially if your son or daughter is a young learner. LAMDA tuition will equip your child with the tools to develop strong communication skills, broaden imagination and refine Key English skills. Whilst working towards the examinations, your child will learn theory surrounding the art of speaking and will be encouraged to explore how to use his or her voice, breath and body in supporting the written word whilst bringing it alive. And as you know, these important skills help your child to develop elocution.

These important elocution classes for your child include articulation, enunciation, grammar, emphasis, tone and, of course, poise and gesture. Undeniably, acquiring the knowledge and the skills to speak properly will open a wide range of opportunities for your son or daughter. More importantly, your child will be in a setting where encouragement and support are abundant to allow your son or daughter's self–confidence and self-esteem to grow.

Additionally, your child will explore and study a range of literature ranging from Shakespeare to modern poetry, which for pre-GCSE pupils, in particular, is hugely supportive of the work being carried out in the school classroom.

And looking forward to your child's future, LAMDA classes will help your son or daughter to become familiar with professionalism that will transfer to future career development opportunities.

The most beneficial aspect of LAMDA classes is the combination of acquired skills and certification that your child will receive ultimately, which promotes a successful and rewarding career development in the near future.

Enrol your child into one of our LAMDA courses now by booking online.

Alternatively, Click here to send us an email enquiry.

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Specialised Elocution for Kids Aged 6

Learning elocution for children aged 6 needs a different approach.

Your child's English pronunciation of the important consonants and vowels would have started to be heard from the babbling stage.

If your child has now reached 6 years old, then he or she has reached an interesting stage of language development.

The complex word constructions which started at the age of 5, will now be developing towards mature speech. You may even be surprised to know that, during the first six years of your son or daughter's life, he or she will have been learning approximately 14 words per day which averages to 5,000 words a year - fascinating!

But, you may be concerned. Perhaps the clarity of the sounds that your child is producing aren't quite clear enough, and you may be justified in your concern.

At the age of 6, your son or daughter will have started to add prefixes and suffixes to words which require extra pronunciation, such as 'untied' or the 'ness' in happiness. If the correct placement of the tongue or lips has not been taught to produce the important English consonants of 't', 'd', or 'n', or those of the vowel sounds, which are now required to produce these sophisticated prefixes and suffixes, then the clarity in your child's speech will be reduced. That is why we are holding a specialised elocution for kids aged 6 workshop.

Our Specialised Elocution for Kids Aged 6 Years and Parents Half-Day Workshop is fun and interactive with important articulation exercises to encourage your child's correct tongue and lip placement being set to music.

But, as this is a specialised workshop we can only offer five places - so book now by clicking on the link below.

Specialised Elocution for Kids Aged 6 Years Workshop


Saturday 26 October 2013 from 10:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs GMT

Where: South London

Book my place - Elocution for Kids Aged 6 Years Workshop


Have a query? Call our 24 hour customer services on +44 (0)20 7884 0441.

Alternatively, Click here to send us an email enquiry.

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Elocution for Kids Aged 6 – Specialised Workshop

Elocution for Kids Aged 6 Specialised Workshop is Announced - Don't forget to bring the parents!

Our second specialised Elocution for Kids Aged 6 Workshop has been set - so make a note in your diaries mums and dads:

Saturday 11 January 2014 - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, London

As with our first specialised Elocution for Kids Aged 6 Workshop, places are limited to six due to the specialised teaching for 6 year olds.

If you missed our first workshop, then book early for our second January workshop by clicking on the link below:

Book: Elocution for Kids Aged 6 Specialised Workshop - Saturday 11 January 2014

We look forward to meeting you in the New Year!

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LAMDA Examinations are Beneficial

LAMDA Classes for Children, and LAMDA Classes for Adults which lead to LAMDA examinations offer many benefits to its learners young and old, stretching far beyond the literary texts that they study.

Since beginning in the 1880’s the LAMDA examinations have been developed into a comprehensive system of performance evaluation overseen by experts in education, performance and communication. The LAMDA examinations equip its learners with a range of skills including; communication skills; technical skills; team-work skills and creative thinking.

The examinations are particularly beneficial to young people as they prepare its learners for future career developments. The examinations allow learners to measure their progress and success against an international standard. This immediately encourages learners to increase their own expectations of what they can achieve. Developing this culture of over-achievement encourages learners to believe they can succeed and indeed do.

The criticism they receive both from examiners and teachers will assist learners in developing their skills. More importantly, learners are given the necessary tools to understand how to use the critical appraisal and guidance constructively. It is this understanding of how to take criticism and use it positively that will guide learners through obstacles and challenges that may arise in the future.

The certification they receive after each examination is recognised with esteem and high acclaim. This recognition will not only boost self-confidence and self-esteem but it will also assist in career development. Having these certificates will give students an immediate head start in the competitive job industry or selection and entrance examinations.

Another beneficial aspect of the LAMDA examinations is that it puts the learner into contact with an expert practitioner. This contact will teach LAMDA learners how to behave in a professional situation. It will also inform learners about the different ways they can adapt their behaviour according to who they are in company with. They will learn how to alter their voice and their body language to communicate in different situations.

Finally, LAMDA examinations will give learners the opportunity to gain skills and knowledge in speaking properly. This knowledge combined with the experience they receive speaking in front of somebody else will help learners to gain the confidence to speak in public and will be valuable practice for future professional activity. Most learners taking the LAMDA examinations will eventually find their futures heavily influenced by stress-filled oral interviews, whether it is for college, university or for a job. The examinations and the preparation students must undertake for them will help them gain the necessary skills and ability to succeed in these important interviews. Teaching them the skills to overcome nerves, remain collected whilst giving cogent and coherent responses. Nervousness and the inability to speak well with confidence can hold people back from achieving their present and future goals and dreams.

Enrol your child into one of our professional LAMDA for Children programmes. If you are an adult and concerned about your ability in speaking in public or to your managers and clients, then join one of our intensive one-to-one LAMDA for Adult training programmes.

It’s never too late to learn how to communicate professionally.

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LAMDA for Kids Elocution Online

LAMDA for Kids Elocution Online

We are now reaching and teaching from Nigeria to Cheshire LAMDA for Kids Elocution!

Yes, it is possible for children to Learn LAMDA online . . .

With enquiries being received for LAMDA for Children from Nigeria to teaching online LAMDA for Kids Elocution for Selection and Entrance Exam in Cheshire, we have now officially released our first LAMDA for Children online course.

Our LAMDA for Children Online programme mirrors our LAMDA for Children Face-to-Face course and, the good news . . .

LAMDA for Kids Elocution Online is cheaper than face-to-face learning:

LAMDA for Children Live Online Classes

LAMDA for Children Learning English

LAMDA for Kids Elocution


Now children throughout the world may benefit from our LAMDA for Children courses.

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