Tip, Back of Tongue Exercises and Lips
Clear English pronunciation and to speak properly for children is important. British English pronunciation is considered important for your child by many institutions and organisations. For example, school selection, communication examinations as well as university and career prospects.
To help your child to speak with clear English pronunciation, certain speech sounds benefit from strengthening to achieve good English pronunciation. We help to increase the clarity of certain speech sounds by practising 'Articulation and English Pronunciation Exercises'. These 'Tip, Back of Tongue and Lips Exercises' aim to develop clarity in t, d, n, l speech sounds. These 'tip of tongue' consonant speech sounds require flexibility in the tongue which the exercises help to achieve. The back of tongue exercises also aim to improve greater clarity in k, g, speech sounds.
The 'Lips Exercises' also help to develop clearer English pronunciation in p, b, m speech sounds.
Watch the video clip and pay special attention to the mouth, lips and tongue positions. Listen closely to the speech sounds. If your child has attended one of our Elocution for Children courses or is about to join one of our LAMDA Elocution for Children courses, then follow some of the exercises on 'Pronunciation Exercises - Muscularity - Exercise Sheet No 1'. If you do not have a copy of the Articulation Exercises, then you can buy a copy 'English Pronunciation Exercises - Muscularity - Exercise Sheet No 1' from our Shop.
We hope that you will find our Elocution exercises beneficial as well as enjoyable.
Remember, Elocution for Kids is important!