Free Elocution Lessons for Kids


Free Elocution Lessons for Kids - Welcome!

We hope that you will enjoy using our free elocution lessons and materials.  

We aim to guide you easily through teaching you how to teach your child elocution.  Also, we will aim to tell you how language is formed, how to identify when your child may have a speech and language difficulty, and how you may support your child.

We have put our free elocution lessons and materials in easy to find pages within this website area.

We would be delighted to receive your feedback on how you found working with our materials and, of course, how you found working with

We wish you and your child every success with your elocution studies.


But, before we begin, our House Rules . . .

Please listen to our important house rules for a happy, healthy speaking voice - thank you.

Introduction to Elocution Exercise Practice - How to do your Elocution Exercises

Listen to when to do your Elocution Exercises and how to do your Elocution Exercises before you begin.



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