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Elocution Lessons for Children

Elocutionkids aims to help you teach your child the basics of British English Elocution.

By bringing together the expertise of elocution teachers, specialised English teachers, LAMDA teachers, and speech and language therapists under one umbrella as ‘Speech and Language Practitioners’, we aim to pool, share and to simplify our knowledge to help you meet your child’s speech, language and communication needs in an accessible and affordable way.

Today, many children are exposed to more than one language or are overseas speakers where for them English is a Second or Additional Language.  For these children, developing English speech sounds and language may seem delayed due to the intrusion of their own native language or accent.  For other children, English speech and language difficulties may occur as a result of several factors.  For all these children and young people, their difficulties in communicating may hinder their progress and affect their future development and job opportunities.  More importantly, their speech and language difficulties may act as a barrier in their ability to express themselves confidently, clearly and assuredly.

Effective speech, language and communication skills are vital for your child’s educational success and career progression in adult life.  But many parents and carers may be prevented in providing elocution lessons for their children due to limited finances.

We aim to make British English Elocution Lessons for Children freely available to all.

We aim to help you address your child’s speech, language and communication needs by giving you the tools required.

We hope that you will find our website beneficial and informative as well as enjoyable.

Thank you for joining us in our aims.


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