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Kids Elocution Award

We are delighted to announce that Elocution Kids has been awarded an EDUCATE EdWard from UCL Institute of Educate for its research into British English speech and language acquisition for young learners.

Elocutionkids.com continues to develop its works with the aim of making children's elocution lessons accessible to all young learners at minimal cost.

We hope that you will join us in the success of Elocutionkids.com.

Thank you for your continued support.

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Kid’s English Pronunciation Problem?

Does your child have poor English Pronunciation?

If so, we would like to hear from you.

Kids' English pronunciation problems are not uncommon and many children experience English pronunciation difficulties.  However, the major problem confronting many parents, carers and teachers is not how they can help their child or children to improve English pronunciation ability, but how to afford the services of specialised kids' Elocution teachers.  Many of our specialised one-to-one kids' Elocution Lessons in which children practise Elocution exercises and English pronunciation skills have been taken into Free Elocution Lessons Resources and specialised kids' Elocution eBooks and eCourses.  By transferring our specialised Elocution services into affordable kids' English Pronunciation books, such as our Speak Properly! for Children series, our specialised Elocution lessons for Children benefit children nationally and internationally as they have been designed for parents, carers and teachers on limited budgets.

So, how can your child with poor English Pronunciation help us . . . and other children?

We are currently working on a new specialised kids' English pronunciation series for 2018.  But, as it is a closely kept secret, we cannot tell you about how it works until it is officially launched.  But, what we can tell you is that your child's poor English pronunciation may help lots of other children with the same problem.

So, how can your child help?

We are looking for six children with poor English pronunciation to be part of our pilot for our new series.  Your child will stay in the comfort of his or her own home and will only be required to produce a short audio file of approximately two minutes.  In return, we will give a free Kids' Personal Needs Analysis and Assessment worth £30 and a free English pronunciation book worth £12.99.


Contact us at www.elocutionkids.com 


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Free Kids’ Elocution Lessons to Preview

Speak Properly! for Children - An English Pronunciation Course for Beginners - Level 1B has just been released - with free kids' elocution lessons on preview!

Following the success of Speak Properly! for Children - An English Pronunciation Course for Beginners - Level 1A - we have now designed and developed Level 1B just for kids (and parents, of course!).

Speak Properly! for Children - Level 1B focuses on the development of British English vowel sounds.  The kids' elocution course for beginners consists of a 26 page illustrated elocution exercises book, 19 sound files, including 15 elocution tune music tracks, and 16 elocution exercise video clip demonstrations.  The complete e-Elocution course for Children uses flipbook technology making elocution exercises for children fun and enjoyable as well as beneficial!  Parents, carers and teachers too, can join in with their children's daily elocution practice fun!

Speak Properly! for Children - Level 1B mirrors our face-to-face one-to-one kids' elocution lessons giving parents, carers and teachers on a limited budget the opportunity to teach their children key elocution skills cost-effectively.

Our e-Elocution Course for kids is suitable for English as a Second Language young learners, help in correcting a slight speaking defect, kids learning English pronunciation and children lacking confidence in speaking.  Similar to our 'Speak Properly! for Children - Level 1A, our Level 1B eCourse continues to build kids' speaking confidence, nurtures physical presence and promotes a clear and focused voice.


Speak Properly! for Children - An English Pronunciation Course for Beginners - Level 1B is on promo until 7 January 2018!


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Free Kids Elocution Test

Our Free Kids' Elocution Test has just been released!

If you are thinking about Elocution Lessons for Children, then try our Free Kids' Elocution Test first.

Find out if your child can hear some of the most important British English vowel sounds - the first step in learning British English Pronunciation.

Our test has been designed in an easy to use way building from one British English vowel sound to three British English vowel sounds.

And, if you feel that your child needs some practice before taking the test, then try our Free Kids' Elocution Lessons which practise British English vowel sounds.

Click here to start your Free Kids' Elocution Test


Have fun learning British English pronunciation kids!

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