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Kids’ Elocution Teacher Training is Better than a Barrel Full of Books, isn’t it?

Yes.  A Children’s Elocution Teacher can correct your child’s English pronunciation, build self-confidence, voice projection, verbal and non-verbal communication skills  – a book on Kids’ Elocution cannot.  It is difficult to learn correct English pronunciation from a book.  Moreover, a book on how to teach your Children Elocution cannot hear and correct Children’s English pronunciation or give feedback on your children’s Elocution.  It is the feedback which is vital to learning and development in Kids’ Elocution lessons.  But, there is a problem . . .

There are not enough professionally trained Children’s Elocution Teachers.  There are Speech and Language Therapists whose clinical training focus on speech and language pathologies.  Some Speech and Language Therapists do provide Elocution lessons.  However, cutbacks in the NHS have limited the amount of speech and language therapy a child may receive.

Many parents and teachers have complained of a children’s poor speech due to mask wearing.  This aspect together with school closures has led to a demand in online Kids’ Elocution lessons.  However, with a limited supplied of professional trained Children’s Elocution Teachers, the task may seem impossible.  So, what makes a professionally trained Children’s Elocution Teacher?

An Elocution Teacher will usually be a graduate in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.  His or her academic training will have covered the areas of Phonology, Psycholinguistics including basic Neuroscience, First Language development, Second Language Acquisition, the anatomy and physiology of the human communication chain, knowledge of the International Phonetic Alphabet, technical observation skills and English Language Teaching Methodology in TEFL, ESL and KS1 to KS4.  Is it possible to train a Kids’ Elocution Teacher without having a degree?  Considering the need for Children’s Elocution Teachers, we have designed our first Children’s Elocution Teacher Training by Live Online Face-to-Face Learning to be ran over four consecutive Saturdays from 15:00 hrs – 17:00 hrs GMT.  The aim of the course will be to provide high quality professional training in basic Children’s Elocution Teaching.  Through our graduates, we hope to meet more needs with Kids’ Elocution lessons.

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Elocution Lessons for Kids – LAMDA Reading for Performance

Our Kids' Elocution Lessons for LAMDA Reading for Performance has now been released!

Our newly revised kids' elocution lessons through LAMDA Reading for Performance Course has been designed to help your child to develop key skills in reading aloud to an audience. 

Our LAMDA Reading for Performance course for kids' elocution learning will also teach your child how to plan a recital for performance to an audience. 

This kids' elocution LAMDA course helps to develop speaking skills, diction, audience communication and self-confidence.

In addition, your child will learn English pronunciation, how to speak with audibility, clarity and fluency. 

LAMDA Reading for Performance will help to develop vocabulary and key skills in speaking English.  

Filled with elocution exercises, and English pronunciation learning tasks, your child will learn how to control his or her rate of speech as well as engage their audience! 

LAMDA Reading for Performance by One-to-One Face-to-Face Live Online Learning is ideal for young learners with manageable 40 minute sessions over a 12 week learning and development programme.

We encourage our elocution kids to enter for their LAMDA Reading for Performance Examination, although it is optional. 

Learn more about our LAMDA Communication – Reading for Performance by One-to-One Face-to-Face Live Online Learning


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Kids Elocution Lessons – LAMDA Public Speaking

Kids' Elocution Lessons for LAMDA Public Speaking has just been released!

We have just released our new LAMDA Speaking in Public Course designed to help your child develop confidence in speaking and presenting in public.

This course is ideal for children's elocution and children's English pronunciation development. 

Your child will learn elocution exercises, English articulation, how to increase vocal volume, how to slow down the rate of speech delivery and much more!

Speaking in Public by One-to-One Face-to-Face Live Online Learning has now been specially re-designed in manageable 40 minute sessions over a 12 week learning and development programme.

Your child will be encouraged to enter for his or her LAMDA Public Speaking Examination to consolidate learning.

Learn more about our LAMDA Communication – Speaking in Public by One-to-One Face-to-Face Live Online Learning


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