
LAMDA Communication – Reading for Performance by One-to-One Face-to-Face Live Online Learning



Start Date: Continuous Enrolment

Duration: 12 weeks (40 minutes per lesson)

Level: Beginners to Advanced

Mode:  Face-to-Face One-to-One Live Online

Our LAMDA Reading for Performance Course is designed to help your child develop self-confidence in acquiring the skills for reading aloud and to prepare a recital for performance. 

Our LAMDA Reading for Performance Course will help your child to develop:

♦  Interpretative skills

♦  Technical skills

♦  Knowledge of literature

♦  Presentation skills in reading for performance

Course Descriptor:

♦  Elocution exercises to develop speaking confidence

♦  Articulation exercises to strengthen clarity in English pronunciation

♦  Develop clarity of speech and articulation

♦  Develop elocution and vocal power in phrasing

♦  Develop articulation and voice modulation for impact

♦  Develop body language and facial expression to convey meaning

♦  Develop fluency and expression in reading aloud

♦  Develop skills in audience communication

♦  Develop audience engagement skills for effective communication

♦  Develop comprehension and summary skills

♦  Develop articulation and vocal knowledge

♦  Develop skills in recital presentation in reading for performance

♦  Develop understand of author's thoughts and feelings

LAMDA Examinations are optional and LAMDA Examination fees are excluded from the course fee.

Our  LAMDA Reading for Performance by One-to-One Face-to-Face Live Online Tutelage by WebCam Skype includes:

♦  Articulation Muscularity Exercise Worksheet

♦  Articulation Muscularity and Word Exercise Worksheet

♦  Ear Training Vowel Distinction Exercise Worksheet

♦  Articulation Exercises Worksheets

♦  Audio Articulation Exercises

♦  Speech Analysis Share

♦  Articulation Muscularity Video Link

♦  Articulation Muscularity and Word Video Link

♦  Intonation, Stress and Rhythm Video Link

♦  Personal Use Audio-Visual Lesson Recording Permission

♦  Professional British English Received Pronunciation Tutor

♦  Progress Reports

♦  Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation Reports

♦  Professional Feedback on Learning and Development



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