Kids Elocution Lessons – LAMDA Successes
Kids' Elocution Lessons achieve LAMDA Distinctions Once Again!
Our Children's Elocution Lessons have brought success once again to our children receiving Live Online Elocution Lessons at 30 minutes per week! We warmly congratulate all our Elocution Lesson children on their success at achieving Distinctions in the April LAMDA Communication Examinations.
From LAMDA Speaking Verse and Prose to Speaking in Public, our Elocution Kids demonstrated high performing skills in English pronunciation, clarity of English diction, speech audibility, a range of vocabulary and in-depth techniques for speaking English elocution confidently.
The majority of our children receive kids' elocution lessons due to their difficulty in English pronunciation, speaking English too quickly or suffer from a lack of confidence speaking in a familiar group or in public. For these children to achieve LAMDA Distinctions is outstanding, not only for their demonstration in meeting the English speech and communication skills set by LAMDA at LAMDA Examinations, but in their attainment of important English pronunciation skills and English elocution diction at a high level.
Our Elocution Kids continue with their successes building upon their English speaking achievements in becoming strong, confident communicators in children's Elocution competitions, Entrance and Selection Examinations, GCSE English Examinations, interview selection and leaders in the workplace. It is surprising how children's elocution lessons at 30 minutes per week may play an important and significant role in a child's future successes.
For many parents, carers and teachers receiving Elocution Lessons for their children's LAMDA success may appear beyond their budget. With our Free Elocution Lesson Resources available on our website, children may share the same resources as our LAMDA Elocution Children. Our aim is for children to benefit from strong English pronunciation skills, clarity of English diction and confidence in communication wherever possible.
As our Elocution Kids start to prepare for their LAMDA Summer Examinations, we congratulate them once again on their outstanding ability in English Elocution - well done!