
Children’s Personal Needs Assessment – Live Online Face-to-Face



Book your Child's Face-to-Face Live Online Personal Needs Analysis and Assessment by using this link.

As all our courses are customised to our young learner's weaknesses, we would need to assess your child before designing or recommending a course.

Once you have booked your child's assessment, you will receive preparation material for your child's assessment.  Your child's assessment will be approximately 30 minutes following which you will receive a report as to our findings containing course or number of lessons and length of course recommendation.

Please do not forget to complete your child's Student Registration Form when booking your child's assessment.

See our London-based Face-to-Face Home Visit for your Child's Personal Needs Assessment, if you wish your elocution or accent reduction teacher to visit you and your child at home.

We look forward to meeting you and your child at the assessment.


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